My Words, My World

First drafts – A few pages in the large wilderness of the world of writing

Splinter deep

The old year slipped into the new

While yesterday’s pain

is swept with a broom

Hard bristle scratch

My thoughts, my face

Dust choking

Acid soaking

The handle hands the hand a splinter

Through nail and skin

Deeper and deeper

Poisoning and malevolent

Burrowing and diving


I can feel it

Arrow sharp

But not enough

To pierce my heart

So it turns on me

and burns in me

But spurs me


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2 thoughts on “Splinter deep

  1. Oh my. I do hope this is not autobiographical. This is not a desirable, spurring prompt… though well crafted.

  2. It is a little Eric, but you can take encouragement from difficulty.

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